MintzEdge Entrepreneur Perspective: “Reinventing The Resume” - Co-Founders Of Skillist
Form a Company, Podcast Ben Stone Form a Company, Podcast Ben Stone

MintzEdge Entrepreneur Perspective: “Reinventing The Resume” - Co-Founders Of Skillist

Ben Stone – an attorney at Mintz and a former founder, CEO and General Counsel – talks with Ananth Kasturiraman and Caroline Fay, the co-founders of Skillist, an innovative job application platform connecting untapped talent to in-demand jobs, about their efforts building a mission-driven business and “reinventing the resume.”

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MintzEdge Perspective: Meet Mintz - Jeremy Glaser And Greg Chin (Mintz)
Form a Company, Podcast Jeremy Glaser Form a Company, Podcast Jeremy Glaser

MintzEdge Perspective: Meet Mintz - Jeremy Glaser And Greg Chin (Mintz)

By Jeremy Glaser and Greg Chin

Jeremy Glaser, Co-chair of the Mintz Levin Venture Capital and Emerging Companies Practice, and Greg Chin, a member of the Venture Capital and Emerging Companies Practice, give insights on what to expect on upcoming episodes of From the Edge and share some stories that explain how certain of their clients have achieved financial success and lessons learned along the way that would benefit any entrepreneur.

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Is a Series LLC Right for Your Business?
Form a Company, Articles Guest Contributor Form a Company, Articles Guest Contributor

Is a Series LLC Right for Your Business?

By Amy Burkhoff

The Series limited liability company (the “Series LLC”) is more nuanced than an ordinary limited liability company, and for the right user, it provides flexibility that will streamline administration better than other alternative entities. Although there are some risks and uncertainties relating to the Series LLC, as discussed further below, the Series LLC is a useful tool to create a series of limited liability companies in a single vehicle, preserving limited liability and reducing the administrative expenses necessary to organize different lines of business or manage different properties.

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Forget Oil Prices, Renewables are Here to Stay
Form a Company, Articles Tom Burton Form a Company, Articles Tom Burton

Forget Oil Prices, Renewables are Here to Stay

By Tom Burton and Paul Dickerson 

We are now in the teeth of the most profound oil bust since the 1980s, but this time, investment in renewable energy development continues apace even as crude is scraping against 12-year lows. The supply of wind power, measured in British thermal units, rose more than threefold between 2008 and 2015, and the supply of solar power rose almost sixfold, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. Wind power is expected to rise another 23 percent and solar another 36 percent by the end of 2017.

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A Balanced Approach to Founder's Equity
Form a Company, Build Your Team Dan DeWolf Form a Company, Build Your Team Dan DeWolf

A Balanced Approach to Founder's Equity

By Dan DeWolf and Samuel Effron

The most successful start-up ventures are companies where the economic interests of the various stakeholders are sufficiently aligned.  If an enterprise can find the right balance among the competing interests of the founders, investors, management, and directors, it has a far greater chance of succeeding. If the right balance is not reached, there will be too much time spent on in-fighting instead of being laser focused on accelerating the growth of the enterprise.

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